So I guess you want the obsessions, eh? Well then.

Pretty Little Mistakes website
Remember choose your own destiny novels from elementary school? Well if you liked those as much as I did then this is the book for you. Heather McElhatton has created the ultimate choose your own destiny novel for adults. There are 150 endings and you can bet that I'll be re-reading this one until I get to each and every one of them. The book is quite realistic, with seemingly dramatic consequences that I suppose one might call reality. I will definitly be obsessed with this book for more than one day.

Cool Rings buy
My favorite accesory for fall is certainly an abundance of interesting and gorgeous rings. I'm not into spending a boatload of money on them because it's inevitable that I'll leave them or drop them somewhere never to be seen again, but stores like Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters really have great rings for pretty reasonable prices (especially Forever 21 in the price department). I love gold with black stones, but my absolute favorites are ones with intricate or interesting designs carved into them. I would also recommend wearing more than one [small] ring on one finger. It's my new favorite way to accesorize.

The Bloomsbury Loft website
I was in Powell yesterday with my mom just walking around and going into cute little stores (there are many of them there, I must say) but the Bloomsbury Loft definitly stood way way out. It reminds me exactly of Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette due to its mix of vintage and new finds. There are great fabrics, furniture, accessories, and all around knick knacks that I honestly think you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. My personal favorite things were the abundance of vintage sewing patterns (I'll buy these and pretend I know how to sew my own clothes), board games and...stuff (vintage pool balls, clothes pins, postcards, etc). And I'm adding a one of a kind vintage chandelier to my Christmas Wishlist (yes, already).
you can definitely link me in your next post! thanks!
I took her picture with me too!! It turned out fine, except my hair stylist cut it a bit long so most of the time I have it swept to one side :]
Great finds!
k i'll change it and if you go to HOH can i plz come. i've loved them since like seventh grade and still have yet to see them live. and in the text, i thought you meant you actually wanted to see kevin devine and owen in concert until i remembered it was at the basement.
that book sounds really intersting! and i went to that store's website and you're right it does remind be of marie antoinette! i love those kinds of stores, they just make you so happy and girly!
**and i changed the URL on my links - thanks for tellling me!
Love the jewlery so fabulous and unique.
that is too funny about that lady knowing about my blog! small world!
love those boots, ive been looking for some just like them! though it's the end of winter here, so I might have to wait until next year.. so jealous you get to shop at Urban Outfitters, i love that shop, I sent my mum there with a big shopping list when she was in New York recently!
Hi Alexa!!!
I am so happy that you love our store, Blomsbury Loft, we are so proud of it. Thanks for your beautiful coments about us. Next time you visit, a little surpise would be waiting for you!!! Ck. us out from the 28-30 of September @ the Country Living magazine fair right here in Ohio, in Lebanon, we are very exited, please sign up for our e mail list, will keep you posted about all the exciting new things we are bringing!! Thanks.
Sorry our name is Bloomsbury Loft!!
Not Blomsbury, DaHHHHHHHHH!
See you soon!!!
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