SO GUESS WHAT! Today's the day when you get to read all about my favorite person (well theres two; a dude and a chick, of course!) of the year. Most stylish? Yes. Most tasteful? Yes. Most wearing underwear? Yes. Well you get it, so.... brrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that's a drumroll, morons).
(hence the new header, what do ya think?!)

this girl is a fashion genius, and in my opinion, lifestyle icon. she's great at what she does and she seems very down to earth.

plus, this year she had a super cute (well, unless you're on of thoseeeee johnny borrell haters) boyfriend, who is almost equally as stylish and trendy as miss kirsten herself.

here she exhibits one of the years hottest trends, menswear! gotta respect a girl that can pull off an outfit like that in such a feminine way, yes, i said respect.

kirsten's style seems very comfort oriented, with many comfy sweaters and tights, but she always looks very well put together, never sloppy. (note to self: learn how to achieve this look.)

here proving that your clothes dont have to be skin tight, and how to balance proportions! what a concept. if you wear skinnies on the bottom, wear something bigger to balance it out on top. genius. also wearing a superduper trendy scarf. can we get a scarfcount so far? 3.

this outfit is awesome. a day dress, trenchcoat and cowboy boots. i'm obsessed with boots. scarfcount: 4.

i like this outfit because it's very easily attainable and seems very very realistic to me, but she pulls it off with a personal originality by adding the scarf, wayfarers and vintage bag.

another with johnny, simple. grey sweater, black jeans, black boots. seriously dudes, boots add an originality and sense of toughness to any outfit. they rock the house.

this is one of my favorites of the year: i love the all black with the red plaid peeking out. it looks very chic and nonchalant.

comfy sweater, skinnies, flats, scarf, huge bag. what else does a girl need? oh right, sunglasses.

not only is she stylish, she's also quite clever at hiding herself from the paparazzi.

the ugg boots in this outfit can almost big forgiven thanks to the awesomeness of her jacket. scarfcount? 10.

you can't even really see her outfit in this picture, but she's with Fab Moretti and that's hip enough for me.

i love love love her coat.

ooh, a plaid?! and just LOOK at how unconventionally resourceful she is using something other than a purse for her dog.

more summary for those of you who live in eternal sunshine to take inspiration from: a small skirt and a big top.

another one of my favorites, i love the leather jacket and boots because she's just got such a feminine heir about her... it's not fair.

the girl even celebrates freakin' halloween in an original way.

very simple, very comfy. nuff said.

her jewel tones are nice, despite apparant drunken disorientation.

double baggage?! that's awesome in and of itself. add the boots and you know i'm sold.

wow, kudos for maing that sweatshirt look as un-lazy as possible.

i really love this dress, the pattern is AWESOME! and the blazer over it does functional wonders.

you gotta love a celeb that you see shopping for food more than clothes, right?

and last but certainly not least, my very favorite of the year. those tights are rockin, and the shoes are awesome!
Oh, so now I suppose you want to know all about my most stylish dude of the year too, right. Well fine, this time I'll spare you the mindless drumroll and just come out with it then.
(the bassist of Kings Of Leon). It's not even just that Kings of Leon are my favorite band in the entire world and the fact that I absolutely adore him that biased this decision. The dude's been known for his love of Dior Homme and Chanel Couture for a while now, RESPECT ya'll. (i promise i'll try to stay as on topic as possible for the duration of the rest of this post...)

Jared Fashion Staple NĂºmero Uno: White V-Neck and Necklaces. Don't you wish more skinny boys would catch on to this trend?

Sweater and Fedora, all done in a nice, non-creepy-old-dude-who-wore-out-the-tanning-bed-in-Florida kind of way.

Gotta love a dude that can add a hint of rebelliousness to a sweater over a collared shirt. No idea who that dude on the right is, if it's you, HALLA.

Plaid Plaid Plaid Plaid. How clever.

I love the all black ensemble. The coat is cool in all it's pockety detail and... is that... a scarf?!

Gotta love a man that nows how to correctly accessorize.


My favorite of his wardrobe, this coat is awesome. I love the print and the cut and everything.

I love boys in vests... that fit well and are accompanied by a vneck and skinny jeans.... and goodlooking face.

WHOAH how did that get there....

moving along, my favoritist Followill coat. and his anchor necklace is pretty rad as well.

faux-ponytail aside, this is one of my favorite looks. i love the striped shirt that's kind of purposely cut wrong and the vest. of course he wouldn't be a rockstar if he buttoned more than the first two buttons.

my heart skips a beat at this one every time. a dude in purple?! yowza. check the watch, too.
Honorable Mentions
1. Ashley Olsen
2. Keira Knightly
1. Kanye West
2. Jamie Burke
hope you enjoyed! next up will probably be best cds of the year or something, i'm not really sure yet! (oh yeah, thanks for all the feedback on the boots! they've grown on me!)
ooo nice post, i adore kiki too and will also probably do a post on her style because it's so fab, sometime soon. she is very chic, but as you mentioned in avery simple and easily attainable way- the boots, the sungalsses, the scarves, the skinnies, the berets, so basic, but brilliant. she knows the art of subltely, i've definitely taken a few pages out of her style book before.
oh and she's no longer w/ johnny anymore :( the rumor was that he was a major slob and well when you're living with someone that's a definite factor, i guess she's apparently seeing kelly slater now?
oh thanks for your comment on my breakfast at tiffany's party post :)
i got the marie antoinette head pops at a gift store called the afternoon, in the mall of america (i guess one perk about living in MN) but you can find them easily online
hehe and i could make you a virtual mix cd :) send you some of my favorites
ooops keep forgetting to mention this, but love the header, with her awesome spidey mask and the yellow line
and love the thrills too :)
wow, I love this post of yours so many great pictures of Dunst! does she dress herself? by that I mean, does she have a stylist...? because if not, she manages incredibly well.
the boy is eye candy...
yay, thanks for the tip!
I'm new to this whole concept of blogspot, but it's so hard to find people on here... so I'm guessing linking is the best way?
so yea, wanna exchange? I'm linking you either way bc you're bomb, but you know...
I adore, adore Kirsten's style. She always looks fabulous and just oozes easy style and grace. The new header looks great, though the giant spider is freaking me out a bit.
Wow! What a great site. Love the Kirsten Dunst photos. Man, why can't we all pull off flawless, effortless style like that?
Jamie Burke, you say? Want more of Mr. Burke? Here are just 2 of the sites I have for Jamie. Check 'em out. Tons o' tunes, pics, news & more!
i love this post, kirsten has great style. yeah, i felt like i HAD to do a post on the menswear style because its everywhere now, even though i got a lot of criticism from my post saying that people like being girls. i like being a girl too, im just acknowledging the new trend in the fashion world haha.
Oh I do love Kirsten Dunst's style... Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley has a pretty awesome one too. Kudos!
thumbs up to Kirsten for keeping her natural teeth!
I really like Kirsten (especially in your header) but I think this year she has played it safe a little
although she looks amazing in all the pics she hasn't experimented as much as she normally does
Great post! I never actually liked Kirsten Dunst. I don't like her acting, but she has got a sense of style now that I've seen your post. She is actually the one that's pulling of being very simple. The Olsen twins need a pair of high heeled shoes or boots to toughen up their outfit. With her it's all about style! Greaat! And lohoove that last outfit. Like them all, except the one with the drunken face..!
i looove guys in purple too and hes so hot!
i also love your new header! very exciting
yeahh, good choices!
Thanks for mentioning my ultimate girl crush Kiki (okay, she's joint place with Chloe ..)
And it's so funny to have seen Kings of Leon recently without all that hair!
Fantastic new header too, eee the spider!
loving this blog.
ps, I've put you in my december reading list.
For the music and the eye candy!
Kirsten is well.. Kirsten and that dude is HOT.. love your sense of style!
haha dilf, i love it!
love your blog, darling :]
& i, too, have a huge love for kirsten.
shes one of my very favourites.
she can do no wrong.
ps. FAB header
LOVE KIRSTEN! she is afterall the ORIGINAL modern marie lol. i just love her - words cannot describe! and yea she does seeem very down to earth
cant wait to hear what ur fav CD of the year is, mine might have to be feist: the reminder, amy winehouse, or the new rilo kiley - very very tough call!
love the new header btw
oh AND i kno youve probally already done this, but i tagged you on my blog! i did it again for the 2nd time, but they can be kinda fun!
i luvvvvvvvvvv kirsten, she is one of my all time icons!
Haaaa that guy is hot!!!!
And thank you for all those nice Kiki pictures!!! The last one is definitely my fave, too.
Love Kirsten!
Where the hell does she get all those amaxing scarves. Im super jelous.
Im thinking this could be one of my favourite ever blog posts, Kirsten and Jared, cant get much better when it comes to famous people.
hi,i really i like yr post,its seems too bee sooo good.
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